About Lori

Throughout my journey as a screen printer, I’ve grappled with the idea of finding—and sticking to—one definitive style. My fascination with screen printing’s endless possibilities often leads me down different paths, causing me to shift in ways that threaten a clear artistic identity. About four years ago, I conceived the idea of an alter ego—a different persona that would grant the freedom to explore these untamed paths without restraint.

This is where Lori Wolfe comes to life. Lori embodies the part of me that ventures into the unknown, experimenting with techniques that defy convention, like printing on oxidized copper, abstract compositions, and the intricate chaos of collage cut-outs. Lori is curious, mysterious, and unafraid to delve into the depths of creativity.

Welcome to a counterbalance, a way to organise the chaos of my artistic vision. Let's blur the boundaries of what art can be.